It’s the fourth day of our trip to Hokkaido.
Today, we’re visiting the Abashiri Prison Museum. It is the only prison museum in Japan and it features buildings relocated from the Abashiri Prison, the northernmost prison in Japan. After the Meiji Restoration, Japan faced a surge of political and national offenders due to civil unrest, leading to overcrowded prisons. Additionally, the development of Hokkaido was crucial to fend off threats from the Russian Empire. In 1881, the “Prison Regulations” were revised, and a prison was established in Hokkaido to use inmates as labor for its defense and development. There were also hopes that inmates would settle in Hokkaido after serving their sentences.
こんにちは。 今日は北海道旅行4日目です。網走監獄博物館を訪れています。これは日本で唯一の監獄博物館で、網走監獄から移設された建物が展示されています。網走監獄は日本最北端の監獄です。明治維新後、日本では内乱や政治的な理由で犯罪者が増加し、刑務所は 過密状態になりました。また、北海道の開拓はロシア帝国からの脅威を防ぐために非常に重要でした。1881年に「刑務所規則」が改正され、囚人を防衛と開発のための労働力として使うため、北海道に刑務所が設立されました。また、刑期を終えた囚人が北海道に定住してくれることも期待していました。

The “Cell Blocks and Central Watchtower,” where prisoners lived, is designated as an Important Cultural Property. Centered around the central watchtower, five cell blocks radiate outward, allowing for a clear view of all hallways. This wooden structure is the oldest of its kind in the world, and it is the only one remaining in Japan. It is also one of the largest, with a total of 226 cells, including solitary and shared rooms. Some rooms can be entered, providing a realistic experience of what it was like for the prisoners.

At the Abashiri Prison Museum, you can try “Experiential Prison Meals,” which replicate the meals currently served to inmates at the Abashiri Prison. Surprisingly, they are quite tasty, so I highly recommend trying them. The menu includes barley rice (30% barley and 70% white rice), grilled fish (saury or hokke), a small dish, a main dish, and miso soup, although it seems that what is actually served is bancha (a type of green tea) instead of miso soup. I’ve never been incarcerated, so I can’t say for sure.

There’s also a “Museum Shop” and a “Souvenir Shop” where you can buy original goods available only here as souvenirs.
Yoshie Shiratori (July 31, 1907 – February 24, 1979), known as the “Escape King” of the Showa era, was a former inmate of Abashiri Prison. He was incarcerated five times, serving a total of 26 years, during which he escaped four times, totaling three years on the run. At the notoriously secure Abashiri Prison, he was placed in a special cell. He managed to continuously spray miso soup on his handcuffs and the bolts of the observation window for a year, corroding them with the salt. He then dislocated his joints, broke through the skylight with his head, pulled out the chimney, and successfully escaped for the third time on August 26, 1944, at the age of 37. He was able to dislocate all of his joints, which meant that as long as there was enough space for his head, he could easily escape from prison and he reportedly ran distances of up to 120 kilometers in a day.
昭和の「脱獄王」として知られる白鳥芳男(1907年7月31日 – 1979年2月24日)は、元網走刑務所の囚人でした。彼は5回も収監され、合計26年間服役し、その間に4回脱獄を繰り返し、合計3年間逃亡生活を送りました。特に警備の厳しい網走刑務所では、特別な独房に収容されていました。彼は1年間にわたって味噌汁を手錠や監視窓のボルトにかけ、塩分でそれらを腐食させることに成功しました。そして関節を外し、頭で天窓を突き破り、煙突を引き抜いて、1944年8月26日、37歳の時に3度目の脱獄を果たしました。彼はすべての関節を外すことができたため、頭が通るスペースさえあれば簡単に脱獄でき、また1日に最大120キロメートルも逃走したと言われています。
At the Abashiri Prison Museum, I saw a beautiful young woman dressed as Asirpa, an Ainu girl from the anime “Golden Kamuy.” She told me that her entire costume was handmade. We took a photo together, but since we promised not to upload it on social media, I’m sorry I can’t share it with you. That’s all for today. See you again!
網走監獄博物館内で、アニメ「ゴールデンカムイ」のアイヌの少女アシリパの衣装を着たきれいな若い女の子を見かけました。彼女によると衣装はすべて手作りだそうです。彼女と一緒に写真を撮りましたが、SNSにはアップしないと約束したので、残念ながらお見せできません。 今日はこれで終わりです。またお会いしましょう!