Today, we’re heading to the Kushiro Washo Market to have a katte-don for breakfast.
This market, established in 1954, is the oldest in Kushiro. Along with the Hakodate Morning Market and Sapporo Nijo Market, it is considered one of the three major markets in Hokkaido. The name “Washo” comes from the lively call of “Wasshoi, wasshoi,” and from the concept of “wa-shite-shōu,” meaning to do business harmoniously. The market is home to about 50 shops, including fresh seafood stores, salted and dried fish, specialty foods, produce shops, and meat vendors. It is beloved by locals as the community’s kitchen, and is also popular with tourists.

The market’s specialty is the katte-don, where you select your favorite seafood and assemble it into a custom bowl of rice, making your own original seafood donburi. First, you buy the size of rice you want at a prepared foods shop inside the market. With your rice in hand, you stroll from store to store, searching for your desired toppings. There’s a wide variety of fresh seafood options at each stall, making it hard to choose. Once you’ve picked your favorite ingredients, the vendors will top your rice with them, and voilà, your very own katte-don is ready! You can also buy crab soup and pickles, and enjoy your meal at the market’s eating area.
Visitors staying at nearby hotels can swap their hotel breakfast for a katte-don, and that day, around ten businessmen arrived by minivan to enjoy their breakfast here. Be careful if you come at the same time as these groups, as it might take longer to get served.

Next, we went to the Kushiro Shitsugen Observatory.
This observatory has a unique design inspired by the “Yachibozu” plants found in the wetlands in the area. Inside, there’s a diorama of the wetland, along with panels explaining the formation of the Kushiro Wetlands, its flora and fauna, and nearby archaeological sites. You can enjoy the view of the wetlands from the observation room and rooftop.
There is a one-hour walking trail that starts from the observatory, which includes a satellite observation deck. From here, you can experience a vast landscape that feels like an African savanna. However, we learned that there was a recent bear sighting along the trail, so the path was closed for safety. It was a bit disappointing since we were looking forward to walking the trail.

Next, we visited the Wine Castle in Ikeda Town.
The official name of the “Wine Castle” is the “Ikeda Town Grape and Wine Research Institute.” It is called the Wine Castle because its architecture resembles a medieval European castle. Inside, you’ll find French oak barrels where wine quietly matures, along with a collection of old vintages. On the first floor, there’s a shop selling Tokachi wines and local specialties. On the fourth floor, there’s a restaurant, making this a fun place to visit.
At the tasting corner, you can sample a variety of Tokachi wines in small quantities for a reasonable price. The castle also offers tours, and you can freely explore from 9 AM to 5 PM. To the east of the castle, there’s a wine production facility where you can observe the bottling process.
次に、私たちは池田町にあるワイン城を訪れました。 「ワイン城」の正式名称は「池田町ぶどう・ワイン研究所」です。中世ヨーロッパの城を模した建築が特徴で、そこから「ワイン城」と呼ばれています。館内にはフランス産オークの樽があり、静かにワインが熟成されています。また、昔のヴィンテージワインも収蔵されています。1階には、十勝産のワインや地元の特産品を販売するショップがあり、4階にはレストランもあって、とても楽しめます。 試飲コーナーでは、十勝ワインを少量ずつお手頃な価格で試すことができます。城内ではツアーも行っており、午前9時から午後5時まで自由に見学できます。城の東側にはワインの生産施設があり、ボトリングの工程を見学することもできます。

On the southern slope of the Wine Castle is a vineyard planted with unique varieties of grapes, such as “Kiyomai” and “Yamakou,” which are only found in Ikeda Town. These grapes are harvested in autumn and turned into rich, flavorful Tokachi wines.

The Wine Castle recently celebrated its 50th anniversary, and to mark this occasion, along with the 35th anniversary of the debut of the famous music group DREAMS COME TRUE (whose member Miwa Yoshida is from Ikeda Town), a “DREAMS COME TRUE Day” event was held in July. A signed poster from the event was displayed in the castle.
ワイン城は50周年を迎え、この機会を祝って、池田町出身のミュージシャン吉田美和が所属する有名な音楽グループDREAMS COME TRUEのデビュー35周年と共に、7月に「DREAMS COME TRUEデー」というイベントが開催されました。そのイベントの際に、DREAMS COME TRUEがサインしたポスターが城内に展示されていました。
Next, we went to the Ryugetsu Sweetpia Garden Store.
Ryugetsu is a long-established confectionery company founded in 1947. It is famous for its Baumkuchen shaped like white birch firewood, called “Sanpōroku,” and its “Anbata-sand” (a sweet sandwich with red bean paste and butter). The Sweetpia Garden Store is located near the Otofuke-Obihiro Interchange on the Doto Expressway and features a shop, café, and a candy-making workshop, as well as a facility where you can observe the production process of “Sanpōroku.”
This store is the only place in Japan where you can buy the leftover pieces of “Sanpōroku.” Every day, there’s a long line before the store opens. The number of available pieces and types changes daily, and they are sold for around 500 yen per bag. They start handing out tickets at 8:30 AM, and the sale begins when the store opens. You can buy only one bag per person, and even on weekdays, the stock sells out by 9 AM. Unfortunately, since we arrived later in the afternoon, we couldn’t get any.
次に、私たちは柳月スイートピアガーデン店に行きました。 柳月は1947年に創業した老舗の製菓会社で、白樺の薪の形をしたバウムクーヘン「三方六」や、あんこバターサンド「アンバタサンド」で有名です。スイートピアガーデン店は道東自動車道の音更帯広インターチェンジの近くにあり、ショップ、カフェ、キャンディ作りのワークショップがあり、「三方六」の製造過程を見学できる施設もあります。 この店は、日本で唯一「三方六」の切れ端部分を購入できます。この切れ端を目当てに毎日、店が開店する前には長い行列ができます。販売される切れ端の部分や種類は日によって異なり、1袋約500円で販売されています。チケットは午前8時30分から配布され、店が開店すると販売が始まります。1人1袋のみ購入でき、平日でも午前9時には売り切れてしまいます。残念ながら、私たちは午後に到着したため、買えませんでした。

Next, we stayed at the Otofuke Natsuzora no Furusato roadside station, located next to the Ryugetsu Sweetpia Garden Store.
This place is a popular spot for campers, and that day, it was full of campers from all over Japan, with various license plates on the vehicles.
Otofuke Town is known for its agricultural activities, producing wheat, beans, and many other crops under the “Tokachi Clear Skies.”
There were also exhibits honoring famous classical musician Akira Ifukube, who grew up in Otofuke, as well as a large Godzilla figurine, 2 meters tall with a 3-meter-long tail, which was quite impressive.
次に、私たちは柳月スイートピアガーデン店の隣にある、おとふけなつぞらのふるさと道の駅に行きました。今夜はここで車中泊します。 ここはキャンパーに人気のスポットで、この日も日本各地からのキャンパーで賑わっており、車のナンバープレートも様々でした。 音更町は農業が盛んな町で、「十勝晴れ」の下で小麦や大豆など多くの作物が栽培されています。 また、音更町で育った有名なクラシック音楽家、伊福部昭は、映画「ゴジラ」のテーマ曲を作曲したことで有名ですが、彼を讃える大きなゴジラのフィギュアが展示されていました。このゴジラは高さ2メートル、尾の長さが3メートルで、とても印象的でした。

At the roadside station, there’s also a set modeled after the NHK TV drama Natsuzora (aired in 2019). It was a nostalgic experience to visit.
The station also has a famous curry shop called “Indian.”
The first “Indian” curry shop opened in Obihiro in 1968. According to the owner, it is the second-best curry shop in Obihiro, because the best is the curry made by his wife and mother. We tried the curry, and it was simple but addictive in flavor. See you again!
道の駅には、「インディアン」という有名なカレー店もあります。 「インディアン」の最初の店の開店は1968年に帯広でした。店主によると、帯広で一番おいしいカレーは店主の妻と母が作るカレーで、この店のカレーは2番目に美味しいそうです。私たちもカレーを食べましたが、シンプルながらも癖になる味でした。では、またね!